Sunday, November 2, 2008

Finally Fall!

Yeah! Halloween is over. I really don't like it. It's too dark.

But in our home November 1st officially begins my favorite season - Fall!

And, the countdown to my favorite Holiday! Thanksgiving!

It is the ultimate Christian holiday - time to reflect on what God has done for us. For His goodness and faithfulness and his unfailing love for us.

This past week has been an emotional roller coaster for us. Wheelchairs, doctors visits and insurance calls. Then this morning, Mark and Benjie sing a song telling the story of the three men in the fiery furnance. It was a beautiful song and really challenged you to stand for what is right and flee evil.

Yet, at some point in the music, I thought, "You know God, I'm thankful that we can be in the fire and not get burned and not smell like smoke. But, I'd really like to just get out of the furnace for awhile."

I think God smiled. He knows our heart. And He knows that I know His grace will sustain us.

If we never were in the furnance, we'd not know that grace. We would not experience His love and peace. Heat brings out the gold. Pressure makes diamonds. Trails bring results like nothing else.

Okay, I'll sit in the furnance. But if anyone's reading, I could use a diet Coke and a fan!

God - I see you. The fifth man in our furnace. Thanks for being there.

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