Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Ring, Part 2

Here it is!  My Class Ring!

It's scuffed and scratched.  It's been worn for 21 years!

It is capped with the Seal of the University of Tulsa

"Wisdom  ~   Faith  ~  Service"
"For Christ and the State"

Although you might be able to sympathize with me for loosing my ring, you must know what it symbolizes to me.  First:  It's hard work.  It's favor with God.  It's favor with Men.  It's Friends.  It's Fun.  It's music and laughter.

But mostly, the ring it's sacrifice.

My parents were not wealthy people.  When I entered college my mother was working for an international ministry but after 3 years, was injured and unable to work.  My dad had left his career and was a car salesman.  To purchase this ring, he umpired all summer before my birthday.  Evenings.  Weekends.  Holidays.  It was his sacrifice.  They could have used the money to pay bills or buy groceries.  It was her sacrifice.

I will never forget the sacrifices my parents made for my ring.  For my education.  For my music.  For me.

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