Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mother's Heart

"You are a gift from God." - My children have heard that from their conception. Where doctors said there would be no children, God gave us two. They are lovely. Happy.

Not perfect - just forgiven.

Today was Missions Sunday at our church and I the auditorium was crowded. I love the crowded! Our daughter sat with us; our two adopted kids found us and Chris went with the Youth. I didn't know where he was and began looking for him during worship.

And I found him.

On the front row. With his hands lifted in Praise to the Almighty King of Glory!

This mom's heart melted in gladness. To see the Gift God gave to us praising God himself.



  1. What an incredible thing! To see that gift from God recognizing his creator and worshipping him! I love that...what an amazing God we serve!

  2. There is very little that makes us know that we have done right by our children than to see them become the God-loving people that we have always wanted them to be. How Awesome for you!
