Monday, November 16, 2009

Thankful for America

I am so thankful for my country.

For years, I have taught different children's classes from the book "The Light and the Glory for Kids" which tells about the journey of the Puritans and their dream of a new country.  It's stuff most history books leave out yet its' documentation is straight from the pages of diaries, ship manifests and original documents from the time period.

Thanksgiving is truly a Christian holiday.  It was not a holiday to thank the Indians.  It was not a holiday to praise the harvest moon.

It was a feast to give thanks to the one True God who brought them through deep waters, famines and gave them food through new friends.

It is my favorite Holiday.

This past week we celebrated Veteran's Day.  Twenty plus folks from our church met and cheered for our veterans.  We had signs and our kids waved flags.  We shouted, "Thank You! as loud as we could and cheered our own Blue Star parents as they walked with pictures of their kids.

I was privileged to be able to stand with one of my little friends whose big brother is an Army Ranger.  Both my little friend and his brother are not native-born Americans - but they got here as soon as they could!

My Little Friend has been here in America almost one year.  I remember holding him the day after he arrived and thanking God that they call made it home safely.  He's a quiet little guy and seen so much in his little lifetime.   But our Country has once again proven a safe haven for those in need.

I am thankful that our Country, as great has it has been and holding still so much potential for future greatness, is still a safe haven.

I am thankful that we can stand on a street and wave our flags and shout Thank You to so many deserving Veterans!

I am thankful for those who have served and continue to serve!

So "Happy Thanksgiving!" everyone!  Don't forget why we are thankful and to whom All Praise and Thanksgiving is due!

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