Saturday, February 9, 2013

I'm Back and on the Road!

The last few months have been crazy. The a January came and the insanity went up exponentially! David's business has been doing well which means extra hours for him. And what has seemed like single parenting for October. November. And December.

It's not been easy for David. Long work hours. Missing family dinners and discussions. I am so grateful to have a partner that can walk through this tough season, trusting God and his wife to take care of other details til the season changes. It's been crazy and but fun too.

But it was still a little too calm for our liking ----

So we bought a new home! Our new place is called Black Bear Crossing and is already not a house but a Home.

The kids and I moved the majority of our household together. In a snow storm. In bitter cold. From a mild Mesa up to the deep snow behind Rules Mountains.

Chris's friend, David, helped. David's mom helped. My girlfriends descended and in three hours packed, moved and unpacked my kitchen. Never underestimate the determination of five women --- and ten kids!

Yet, there were a few hours left in my day. I had not quite reached exhaustion, so I packed up my kids, their friend and I am, as I type, sitting on a plane headed to San Francisco!

Sitting over 10,000 feet above earth, I am reflecting on God's great goodness.

If you've read my blog before, I follow me on Facebook you know that I have battled Sjogrens disease for the past several years. Probably longer but I didn't know what was wrong -- only that my tongue would swell, my mouth was often dry, my skin was flakey, fatigue would come on so strong it would tanked 30 minutes of pep talk to get out of bed each morning not to mention swollen hands, joint pain and tenderness. As if not enough, any time a person walked into a room with a virus or infection, I was sure to be infected and ill within a day. Not fun.

Not for me. Not for my kids. Not for my hubby.

Since August 1, 2012 I have been able to go non-stop. With no illness. Only a couple of flares with joint pain. No colds. No viruses.

Only God!

The difference? Prayer. Fasting. Prayers to break chains of generational illnesses. Prayers for wisdom on what we eat as a family. What I drink. Prayers of thanksgiving for the healing God has performed already! Prayer.

As we near San Francisco, I near a dream. To take my kids places. To work with Seth and Maria Waters at their church. To show my kids our great nation. To serve God by being his hands and feet.

How blessed I am!

I am glad to writing again! And on the road! With God!

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