Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday Afternoon

This morning I taught the first class on Dream Releasers by Wayne Cordeiro. I wasn't certain who would come or what the reception would be - but I'm glad I showed up! Of course, it usually goes better if the teacher is there.

Anyway, good class and I see such wonderful potential in each participant. God has such great plans, we sometimes forget to get involved in His work.

Our house is a buzz of activity this afternoon. Three girls and two boys make for alot of noise. It's the house I always wanted - the one where other kids come to play. The house is full of laughter and smiles. And lots of trash! My goodness, kids make alot of trash! Of course, three 12 year old boys eat alot of food!

Lord, thanks for this life. Let me see your hand. In people. In nature. Let me hear your voice. In laughter. In conversations. Let me feel your love. In the stillness. In the busyness. In the ones I love. THX

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