Monday, August 29, 2011

New School Year

Vista Academy 2011-2012 Begins!

Our Classroom - Messy but Functional

Teacher - Mentor - Mom

Chris reading.

Ashley working at her desk.

Even Sherman has a place!

Reading time in her Room!


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Here I Am Oklahoma.

Where it's beyond warm and humidity takes on a whole new meaning.

My hair is bright red from the water and curly from the moisture in the air. It takes forever to dry!

This week, I was to begin training for the Run for Orphans.  The air temperature doesn't get bearable until it's been dark 60 minutes!   And I'm coughing.  My mom has  a cute kitten but she is not kind to my allergies so I'm using my inhalers.

I have been able to finish school reports and work on next years plans and read some.  Cooked alot.  Freezing stuff.  My mom stays quite a bit at my aunt and uncle's house - okay they're really my cousins but in the south anyone close to your parents age is an aunt and uncle.

Chris made the Junior Varsity soccer team as a sophomore.  I"m very proud of him.  He has worked hard all summer to make it;  to show himself approved.  Workouts, runs, healthy diet.    Now we have his schedule and it's alot of travel - but I won't miss a game.

That means the Run for Orphans is presenting a dilemma.  We will be in Grand Junction that weekend.  I"m thinking I will do my Run, rather Walk, the week before.  I've made a commitement.   Don't think I can run it - can't even breathe well - but I can walk it.

Funny how things don't ever turn out like we except.  Sometimes they're better.  Sometimes not.  It's not the results that matter but how you handle them.  How do you hold on to your integrity?  What do you do with the unexpected crisis, and the equally, the unexpected blessing?

I want to meet them both with equal grace.  Not given to worry or self-glory.  I've done nothing in myself to warrant either - my Father knows what I need and what I can handle and he knows what refining fire I need at each stage of my life.

Grace, Grace, God's Grace!

My prayer.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


I'm doing it.


The River Run for Orphans

145 million orphans in the world.

65 million in the United States.


Can you imagine?


Give something.

Kim Beach
2571 CR 220
Durango, CO  81303

Watch for news on my progress!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Dirt

I've never been one to enjoy the outdoors.  Mostly because it makes me sneezy, itchy, wheezy - and few other dwarfs I've forgotten.  My memories of the outdoors as a child involve the park with my mom and watching clouds go by - a nice memory.  Then there's the endless nights at the ball park while the church softball team played;  the 120+ temperatures at the west Texas sand dunes with sand in places it should never be;  sitting on the bank of a dank, humid river with my grandpa while he attempted to teach me to fish - okay I like the part about my grandpa but not the heat and hummidity.

My Grandparents Roork didn't have an air conditioner.  It would be 120 +  (my new favorite number) at bedtime.  You laid on top of the covers because it was just too hot!  I remember one day my cousin and I took 5 cold baths because it was so hot.   The summer Grandma and Grandpa put a window unit in the kitchen, we all slept in the living room with the bedroom doors closed to keep the cool(er) air in the central room.  We laughed and giggled - my mom, aunt, my cousin, Grandma and Grandpa and me - until Grandma  declared, "that's enough" and we settled into blissful, frigid sleep.

All of my grandparents and my parents for that matter, like the outdoors.  They had gardens.  Pretty flowers, fresh vegetables, lush lawns.  Where was I?  Inside.  Reading.  Maybe watching the Miss America Pageant - a great end to the summer.  Mostly reading.  But not in any dirt.

Moving to Colorado, I met dirt.  And we developed a truce.  There's an appropriate time to be dirty and dusty.  But once I enter my travel trailer, the dirt must stay outside.  The first years of camping I made everyone take their shoes off outside.  Everyone showered every night.  Even the dog got a bath at the outside shower.  I traveled with enough clothes to survive a natural disaster.

I'm progressing.  I insist on showers every-other night.  And the dog can wait til we get home.  And shoes - ah, keep 'em on.  That's why we have vacuums and brooms!  Plus the socks were being ruined by everyone walking OUTSIDE in them.

Today is my 20th Anniversary and it makes me take a retrospective of my life.   Some things I'm so proud of - my kids.  Other things embarrass me - my in-laws were so patient with a mouthy, insecure know-it-all.  My how I've changed!

When we were first married, a spider sent me screaming for my husband.  Once when David was traveling for work and we'd been married about 3 months, a mouse dared to walk across my living room floor.  I screamed, ran to the garage, went to the all-night W*l-M*art and bought a dozen disposable traps.  I was awake all night til I heard the "snap".  I through away the entire trap and then slept an hour before work!

Last week, a bee flew in the car and I just watched him.  Never flinched.  I've been known to kill a spider with my bare hand!  Wipe it on my jeans and go on.  Okay, that only happens when I'm camping, but I'm getting there!

Today, I dropped Chris off at soccer and came home for my two hour afternoon break before picking him up, taking him home, driving to church, driving to dinner.... I decided to head to the garden - Ashley and David's summer project.  They are growing tomatoes, green beans, peppers and squash and a variety of flowers in another plot.  I wanted to plant some petunias in there while they were still seeding.  I grabbed the little hoe and went to work.

The dirt smelled good.  Clean.  Alive.  Soon the wind began to blow and the wind chimes sing in the breeze.  Large drops fell from the sky and I kept working.  A little water never hurt anyone.

I pulled weeds.  Planted flowers.  Trimmed hollyhocks.  And mostly enjoyed myself!

Time changes us all.  The great outdoors I once dreaded today brought me peace.  The rain reminded me that good and happens.  It's all part of the day.  Part of our life.  Enjoy it.

Today I danced in the rain. 

And I am thankful.

Thank you Lord for changing our hearts.

(okay, not everything changes.  This fly swarming my keyboard seriously needs to find a new home before he is sent to an early meeting with his maker!)

20 Years

Today is our 20th Anniversary!

I'm usually full of words, but today, my heart is just at peace.  Twenty years with those blue eyes that still make my heart beat faster.  Twenty years of hand-holding that still make me feel protected.  Twenty years of kisses and tears and laughter and  smiles.

Thank you Father God for this beautiful man to spend my life with.  Thank you for his heart.  For his mind.  For his work ethic.  For his desire for his children.  For his love for me.

Here's to...forever!